Every five years, up to hundreds of thousands of animals are rounded up and marched to their deaths for the Gadhimai festival in Nepal, considered the world’s largest animal sacrifice. This violent slaughter takes place for superstitious reasons, despite a global push to eliminate this practice.
Compassionate humans are unable to comprehend why, in the modern day, thousands of animals are decapitated and hacked apart in this festival. The event has drawn widespread international criticism for its inhumane practices, grave public health risks, and environmental damage.

Since the last Gadhimai festival, the COVID-19 pandemic has claimed the lives of over 7 million people worldwide. Many scientists believe the virus first spread to humans from a live animal market where different species were confined and slaughtered in close proximity—as they are at the Gadhimai festival. Crowded live-animal and slaughter settings create a breeding ground for pathogens to mutate and jump species, triggering potential pandemics. H5N1 bird flu—which has a 60% mortality rate in humans—is currently spreading in chickens, cowscows, and other animals, including humans. .
Instead of casting shame upon Nepal, the Gadhimai festival can be transformed into a massive gathering of peaceful worship.
Instead of casting shame upon Nepal, the Gadhimai festival can be transformed into a massive gathering of peaceful worship.
What You Can Do
Please join us in urging Nepal to stop the slaughter.